
The LawShearing shed

You own your own land and you can do want you want – not exactly.

The law will follow you onto your farm and whilst you do not need to be a lawyer, it is advisable to know the basics and your legal responsibilities.

Most breaches occur through ignorance and are not intentionally malicious – and in most cases that is not a great defence.

All About Your Farm will explain to you the high level regulation points and where to go for information and assistance.

You will gain an understanding of:

  • Livestock and the Law, including welfare and transport obligations.
  • Notifiable diseases and notifiable weeds.
  • Notifiable Health and Safety incidents.
  • Agricultural Chemicals, Dangerous Goods and poisons.
  • Native Vegetation and Native Fauna regulations and who oversees what.
  • Local Government engagement, what for and when.
  • Building inspectors vs building permits.
  • Employment Law.

Understand where your legal and regulation trigger points are and farm with

Confidence -> Success -> Enjoyment