
In biblical terms the natural environment is the rock upon which your farming church is built – in other words look after the foundations of your farm.Wetlands - Lower SE SA

All About Your Farm will help show you how to operate comfortably within the constraints of your natural operating environment.

You will be shown and receive techniques to assist with:

  • How to formulate a pasture growth curve that assesses your total available pasture across the year.
  • Crop and pasture production cycles and their associated costs.
  • How to calculate the correct stocking rate for your farm, that matches your pasture growth curve and allows for changes in pasture requirements due to reproduction or body weight growth of your livestock.
  • How to establish shelter belts that will assist in managing wind speed, increase pasture growth and provide habitat.
  • How to protect and manage remnant vegetation.
  • How to graze native and improved pastures to maintain composition.
  • How to manage weeds through a variety of control measures.
Claying with remnant veg undisturbed

Claying with remnant vegetation undisturbed

Once you have been shown these techniques and processes you can farm comfortably in your natural environment with

Confidence -> Success -> Enjoyment