Adjunct Services

PBN Property Services

PBN Property Services operates two adjunct facilities to the primary functions of All About Your Farm.Merino lambs

Short Term Contract Farm Business Management:

This service assists farm businesses who find themselves suddenly without a manager and have an immediate short term requirement to maintain the operations of their business.

Clients of this service will typically (but not exclusively) fall into one of four parameters:

  • A business that has had a manager leave and there is a need to maintain operations whilst a recruitment programme is undertaken.
  • The principal(s) of a business has a need for immediate absence and requires a short term manager. For example the need may arise due the principal(s) taking a long postponed break, overseas travel or recuperation.
  • A new property has been acquired and there is a need to commence operations and a management team has not yet been installed.
  • A financial institution that has taken control of a business and needs to have a management service provided.

Time frames of engagement are typically range from two to twelve weeks, but essentially the service is a short term “gap filler” whilst more permanent arrangements are bedded down and the “Gap” disappears.

Livestock Buying:

Livestock buying is a frequently an underestimated skill.

The livestock markets are very fluid and influenced by numerous constantly changing factors.

This service secures livestock under the direction of the principals in the following areas:

  • Female breeding livestock.
  • Male sires.
  • Trading livestock for resale at a later date.
  • Export livestock

Angus heifersThis service works very closely with principals so as their requirements and the functioning market of the day can be measured against each other.

This ensures that livestock can be secured at a reasonable price relevant to the market trading conditions at the time of purchase