All About Your Farm

is a professional personalised service that helps you to select, establish and operate your farm.

All about Your Farm will explain and provide simple techniques and processes that will have you standing on your own two feet and farming with confidence.Barley in forground with canola at the back

Buying your farm and working the land is one of the most rewarding decisions you can ever make. Whether it’s for lifestyle, semi-commercial or fully commercial reasons a well set up and managed farm is great fun with a little dirt under the finger nails thrown in.

By contrast a poorly set up farm can tear up your time and “hard earned” faster than you can print it.

Farming can be likened to playing chess with nature, All About Your Farm will help you to play the game with confidence.

No two farms or farmers are the same, All About Your Farm will help you to ask the right questions and provide the foundation skills to farm with confidence, and confidence equals success and success equals enjoyment

All About Your Farm is not a hitch hikers guide to being a good farmer. It is an individual and specialised service that is all about helping you and your farm.

All About Your Farm allows you to pick out the bits you need and grab the processes and techniques you want that will work for you and your farm.

  •  How to select your farm: What farm is best for you, what does your farm have to have, what can you compromise on, how much time do you need to manage it, how to calculate fair value?
  •  What livestock can you run: How many and what breed, how do you buy and sell them, how much will they eat and drink, what is animal husbandry, how do you keep them healthy and what if they get sick?
  •  The Natural Environment: How much pasture will your farm grow, is it enough and what if you run out, do you need shade and shelter trees, where and when do you plant them, why do you have weeds and do you need to control them, how do you establish and protect habitat for native animals, how do you combine my farming with managing a natural habitat?
  •  Safety and Risk: How much risk are you taking on, how do you calculate your risk comfort zone, is your farm safe and how can you improve safety?
  •  Tools and Machinery: What tools and equipment do you actually need, how do you calculate whether to own it or get someone in, what is the cost of maintenance?
  •  Buildings Fences and Structures: What will you need, where should you locate them and how do you maintain them, how do you calculate what materials you need?
  •  The Law: What laws and codes of practice do you have to comply with, when do you need to talk with council or another regulator, how do you find them?
  •  Time: How much time will your farm take up and how do you calculate it, do you have enough time with other commitments or do you need to engage people – how do you do that?

Confidence - > Success - > Enjoyment